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MODULE I: Introduction to Biblical Ethics and Social Change
Section 1: Understanding Biblical Ethics
Section 2: Exploring Social Change
Section 3: Importance of Integrating Biblical Ethics and Social Change
MODULE II: Historical Perspectives on Biblical Ethics and Social Change
Section 1: Early Church's Influence on Social Change
Section 2: Reformation and Ethics
Section 3: Civil Rights Movement and Biblical Ethics
MODULE III: Contemporary Issues in Biblical Ethics and Social Change
Section 1: Environment and Stewardship
Section 2: Social Justice and Equality
Section 3: Technology and Ethical Dilemmas
MODULE IV: Implementing Change Through Biblical Ethics
Section1: Advocacy and Activism
Section 2: Building Ethical Communities
Section 3: Empowering Individuals Through Biblical Teachings
MODULE V: Case Studies in Biblical Ethics and Social Change
Section 1: Global Humanitarian Efforts
Section 2: Addressing Systemic Injustices
Section 3: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion
MODULE VI: Practical Applications of Biblical Ethics
Section 1: Developing Ethical Frameworks
Section 2: Ethical Decision-Making Processes
Section 3: Engaging in Ethical Discussions and Debates
MODULE VII: Conclusion and Reflection
Section 1: Reviewing Key Concepts
Section 2: Reflecting on Personal Growth
Section 3: Action Planning for Social Change
Section 2: Addressing Systemic Injustices
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