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Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Definition and Scope of Cultural Anthropology
History and Evolution of Cultural Anthropology
Key Concepts in Cultural Anthropology
Culture and Cultural Relativism
Ethnography and Fieldwork
Cultural Diversity and Globalization
Methods in Cultural Anthropology
Participant Observation
Interviews and Surveys
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Cultural Anthropological Theories
Structural Functionalism
Symbolic Anthropology
Feminist Anthropology
Applications of Cultural Anthropology
Development Anthropology
Medical Anthropology
Indigenous Rights and Activism
Contemporary Issues in Cultural Anthropology
Environmental Anthropology
Technology and Culture
Ethics in Cultural Anthropology
Case Studies in Cultural Anthropology
Yanomami Tribe of the Amazon
Maasai Community in East Africa
Urbanization and its Impact on Culture
Future Trends in Cultural Anthropology
Digital Anthropology
Climate Change and Cultural Adaptation
Virtual Ethnography and Online Communities
Conclusion and Reflection
Review of Key Concepts
Importance of Cultural Anthropology
Personal Reflections and Next Steps
Culture and Cultural Relativism
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